Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Guest Post from 3 WONDERFUL young women

I was asked if I would post a "guest post" on the blog. The following is a post from another blog- and I think it shares an important message. Please take the time to read what these ladies have written and visit their blog. Share their words and know that you can make a difference! Thanks, Meghan

"Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they're not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.”

Have you ever felt the desire to do something that is going to effect a whole lot of people? The thought of your life making a difference to so many more....

But then you realize you are just one. You can not make a difference.

We have all had those feelings. It is how you choose to take those feelings and act, that shapes who you are, and your purpose in this world.

We are just three teenage girls.

We have a passion.

We have a love.

We have a hope.

We have a vision.

And, we have chosen to act.

Sunny is 20. She has a 19 year old brother who has Down syndrome. She lives in London.

Savana is 20. She has a 3 year old sister who has Down syndrome. She lives in America.

I, Taylah, am 16. I have a 3 year old cousin who has Down syndrome. I live in Australia.

Each of us have an intense love for someone with Down syndrome. We see them in a way most of the world chooses not too.

Did you know that 90% of babies with Down syndrome are aborted before they get to enter this world? 9 out of 10! Their lives are taken because they have a disablility. It just doesn't seem right, does it?

Did you know that in Eastern Europe, children with disabilities, such as Down syndrome, are left orphaned at birth.

They live in an orphanage untill they are 5 years old.

Once they turn 5 they are placed in an adult mental institution where conditions are so horrible most don't survive a year.

With adoption costing over $30,000 it is likely that most of these children won't ever see outside the walls of a crib.

When we were given the facts we decided that it was too devastating to just sit back. We decided to ACT!

'To love the unloved' was founded in December, 2010.

Since then, we have helped fund the adoption of 13 precious children!

Each month we host giveaways for a child or family from Reece's Rainbow (an adoption ministry that helps find homes for orphans with Down syndrome) on our blog!

There are so many ways that you can help 'To love the unloved' out!
Firstly, you can give a donation and enter the give away!

Secondly, you can drop by and leave a message of encouragement and support!

Finally, please keep us, and these precious babies in your thoughts and prayers!

Christmas is an incredibly important time of year for us and many of you! It is the time of year that many of us celebrate the birth our Saviour Jesus Christ. It's a time of Love, Kindness and Giving, a holiday where we appreciate all that we are lucky enough to have. We hope you will join our cause this Christmas and enjoy the time you spend with us, as we 'change the world one orphan at a time'

Visit our website:

Our blog:

Our facebook page:

Or emails us: tolovetheunloved@gmail.com

Thank you so much!


Tay, Savana and Sunny!

Christmas Blessings.

I feel blessed every day. I thank God every night for all the incredible gifts He has given to me and my family. There are so many things to be thankful for in my life. I have a wonderful husband, a strong marriage, 2 perfect and amazing little boys, an incredible family- in laws definitely included, a home, a strong faith, a church I adore, great friends, a voice I use to advocate for my sons and all those with disabilities, a crazy dog, great neighbors, 2 cars that are reliable, the chance to be a SAHM, food on the table, clothes on my back, a healthy baby growing in my womb, clean water, a safe neighborhood- and SO MUCH MORE.

Despite the fact I feel like I can't possibly be given any MORE to be thankful for blessings continue to come into my life. This Christmas we were blessed with an anonymous gift from a generous "Santa" and we are beyond blown away.

We were also blessed with seeing both our boys begin walking. They are now taking tentative steps throughout the house and are getting stronger everyday. Nothing could have made me smile more than seeing the looks on their faces when they gained one more step toward independence. Beautiful!

Finally, when my boys were about 5 weeks old my cousin came to our home to take some newborn photos of Casey and Connor. Unfortunately, the files were corrupted and we feared we would never see them. We decided not to get any other newborn pictures taken and I just figured they were forever lost. On Christmas Eve, my cousin- unbeknownst to me- slid a disc of 54 pictures in our diaper bag. They were some of the lost photos. She sent them around the world to a friend who is a computer genius and he was able to help recover them. We found them today.

I am going to share some of her work here because these are such beautiful photos of my miracle men when they were brand new to the world and all I saw in them was beauty and love. I still see those things but now they have fabulous personalities to go along with that and I see a much more round picture of who they are.

Enjoy these. I know I do.

God Bless.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Casey and Connor

My dear sons,

Two years ago I was at my doctor's office for a 36 week ultrasound. Before I knew it we were heading to the hospital to have you guys by C-Section. I was not prepared. My mom was on a plane heading for Las Vegas to run a half marathon, my hospital bag sat partially packed in a closet, my camera remained on the table at home. None of that really mattered- you were coming.

The day you were born I was also born. I discovered a new road laid out before me. I was as unprepared for this road as I was to go to the hospital. Again, my level of preparation didn't matter. I was no longer in control- you two were.

I have grown so much since then- just as you have. I look at you everyday and I can't help but feel awed that you are mine. You are beautiful and smart and funny. You are sweet and loving but you both have stubborn sides and when you throw the occasional toddler fit I can't help but smile- you are incredible.

I love watching you discover new things. Your world is ever expanding. You have opened my eyes to the beauty of everyday objects, the simple joy of scraps of paper, the profound wonder of all that surrounds us. Your eyes have taught mine to see. Before you, I was blind. You have taught me to see with my heart.

I am proud to be your mother. I am honored to be your voice. I am humbled by the love others feel for you, for our family. I will stand by you and for you for the rest of my life. I will protect you and prepare you and adore you. It's the perfect job for me.

This year I am confident you will begin walking and will utter a sweet word or two so we can hear your sweet little voices. I vow to explore with you and play with you and read to you. We will have such adventures this year.

Happy Birthday, miracle men. I may be your mother but you are the ones who gave ME life. I love you.

With all my heart,
For always,

Friday, December 2, 2011

TV debut!

A few weeks ago Rachel Salyer came to our home to interview Matthew and me about life with Casey and Connor and how we feel that DS has been a blessing in our lives. Rachel is part of a talented team at the University of Akron who work on Moving Forward- a television show that features great community interest and news stories.

Rachel first discovered our story on Ohio.com in the article that ran on our family and 2 others for Down syndrome awareness month. She contacted the reporter who wrote the piece and asked to be put in contact with Matthew and myself. She was interested in sharing our story and of course we JUMPED at the chance to spread the word that our lives are wonderful!

Today Rachel posted the video that will air on December 22 in North East Ohio. The part she shared with us features my awesome little family. The rest of our segment will also feature Kristin Dailey, executive director of The Up Side Of Downs- our local (and completely AMAZING) DS group!

I am proud of how well this turned out and I hope that we can continue to share the wonder of our lives with people all over. I feel so blessed to lead the life I do. God has given me more than any person has right to hope for.

Enjoy some photos of the interview and the video itself!