Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New hope, New Friends

There are so many days where the thought that my sons have Down syndrome never crosses my mind. Honestly. Those are the days when we are so busy living life, playing, reading and loving that I spare zero thoughts on their extra 21sts.

There was a time when the boys were first born that I would never have believed I wouldn't think of their diagnosis. I would have never believed someone telling me that eventually all I would see would be my sons. I was wrong. Again. My, my how often that happens.

Those days when I forget that my sons are slightly different than all my neighbors' kids are fun. I just enjoy every moment with the boys and soak up all the hugs, kisses and hair pulls they so love to share. That's NOT to say I don't enjoy EVERY SINGLE DAY with my boys- I do. Some are just more challenging than others and more importantly some are more fulfilling than others.

Which is why I am writing today...

Sometimes it seems that ALL that I think about is Down syndrome. And truthfully, the majority of it is super positive. I really don't have days where I am down about the future or present. I am so blessed by my children it would be ridiculous to be saddened by anything about them or the amazing community I find myself a part of.

The last two or three days have been FULL of thoughts of DS. First, I read a BEAUTIFUL story about Austin and Christi- a wonderfully inspiring couple with DS that are married and thriving. Their story gave me so much hope and joy.

Next, was a video done by the National Down Syndrome Congress and featuring adult self-advocates talking about their lives. These adults made me look forward to the future and KNOW that Casey and Connor are living in a time when they have more opportunities for success than ever before. And it also made me realize that my role in this journey is to keep spreading the word that people with DS can do ANYTHING. There was one young man on this video who was proud of being on the Dean's list in college- something I could never claim for myself. Incredible.

And today- I was looking through the stats on my blog wondering where the most traffic for it is coming from. I found a link to where there were some women discussing my blog. I must say- they made me cry. These women made me feel like I am doing something right- I felt loved by people I don't know, have never met or spoken to and they touched me deeply. To these ladies I say "thank you" and I ask that you keep spreading the word about my little blog.

There are big plans always brewing in my head. I am always trying to figure out how to make the biggest impact in the lives of my children and in the lives of others. It is something I think I feel led to do and consequently I am always thinking of things that might work. I feel like there are some big things coming. I have talked before about the Casey and Connor project and how I want to bring people together to make change happen in the lives of people with DS or in the lives of those of us who love someone with DS. I still want that. I am going to spend the next few weeks really working hard to get something together for this. I have a lot of research to do but I feel like the ideas are coming quickly and if I don't move forward with something I may lose my mind. If only there were more hours in the day.

Before I go I want to leave you with this thought- "I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do." ~Edward Everett Hale. What can YOU do to make this world a little better??

Have a beautiful and blessed day!



Cinnamon said...

I love the quote at the end. It fits with how I have been feeling lately. Thank you for sharing.

my family said...

I can't wait to see what you have planned, I know what you mean I didn't think there would be a day I did not think about Ds but now life goes on as it does and we enjoy ever minute of it not worrying about the future, etc.